Friday, August 27, 2010

Before you throw those baby clothes away....

A few weeks ago, as we were heading to a restful weekend getaway in Michigan, I was reading the Fall 2010 Real Simple "Family" special edition.

I literally burst into tears after reading this excerpt from the Editors Note:

" A few years ago, I went to the high school graduation party of a girl who lived up the street.  The weather was cooperative, the food terrific, the parents proud and the teenagers appropriately polite.  It was a wonderful night.  But what I remember most was a sentimental gesture from the graduate's mom.  She had saved a selection of outfits from her daughter's childhood and hung them on a clothesline, in chronological order, along the deck.  Looking at the clothes, you could imagine her daughter growing: from the infant just home from the hospital to the college-bound almost-woman she had become.  I stared at the line of clothes and thought, Wow, how organized! And then, How beautiful."

My husband was looking at me like I was crazy.  I could barely even read it to him.  It just struck a nerve.  Maybe because my oldest started kindergarten this week and I know how quickly the years will pass.  Or maybe I was just overly emotional that day.

Whatever the reason, I know I will be taking careful consideration before getting rid of any of the boys' clothes.  :-)  I love the idea of keeping a special outfit from each stage of their life.  And what a beautiful way to use and display them.

Just thought I'd share!


Amy Kate said...

Aww, I welled up a bit, too! What a sweet idea. There are DEFINITELY certain outfits that kind of define exactly who my girls were at various stages - as I pack Char's clothes up for El, I always find that there are a couple items that I just can't pass on to Ellie as they are just so so Charlotte.

Ruth said...

Sara, I love this! I did save one little dress from both Holly and Jill when they were small, but I love the idea of keeping outfits through their entire growing up!! Great idea!!